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PA Personal Statement Perfection: Your Guide to Writing the Perfect Personal Statement for Your PA School Application!

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A great personal statement can make or break your CASPA application. PA programs are extremely competitive and the personal statement essay is your best opportunity to show the admissions committee why you are motivated to become a PA and why you are uniquely prepared to become a PA student now. However, the broad topic (explain your motivations to become a physician assistant) and short length (only 5000 characters with spaces) makes the personal statement the most daunting section of your CASPA application. But don't worry, I'm here to help! I'm an experienced PA with 14 years in clinical practice, a professional editor, and a personal statement expert. After years of editing personal statements, a common message I receive is "I'm struggling to write the thing in the first place!" So I have developed this course to help with just that! From understanding what a personal statement is and what programs do and do not want to hear about, I will walk you through understanding your personal "Why PA," then brainstorming, outlining, writing, and perfecting your personal statement. So many students spend months on their essay and write and rewrite it so many times they lose count, all to learn they weren't sharing what PA Programs really want to know. But this course will give you all the information you need to know (and none that you don't) to get your personal statement right the very first time! With videos of only about 5 minutes each and meant to be watchable from your phone, I've designed this course for the busy PrePA student to watch in your spared minutes between school and work and shadowing, etc and so you don't have to read an entire textbook about how to write an essay! (Like you don't have enough on your plate right?) So stick with me and craft your perfect, personalized, effective personal statement for your PA School application and get into the program of your dreams!

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